IoT - The Internet of Things (IoT) is a growing industry set to transform homes, cities, factories, farms and many other ecosystems towards smart systems. Research by Frost & Sullivan and by Gartner, had predicted that there will be more than 20 billion connected things across the globe by 2020, leading to a total market worth more than US$3 trillion. However, this forecast has been adversely affected by the Covid-19 situation in 2020. However, there is little doubt that in the long term, IoT industry will see significant growth.

In future, Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPV6) with the potential of approximately three hundred and forty trillion, trillion unique IP addresses will give a huge increase from the current IPV4 allowance of 4.3 billion IP addresses. The billions of connected devices of the future, will lead to new challenges including authenticating, identifying, connecting, securing and managing the devices. This will be very challenging for the current infra-structure and architecture underpinning the internet and online services.

Bricpoint team works with funds and businesses that are enabling IoT expansion in healthcare, agriculture, security and transport. We have recent experience with involvement in both hardware and software projects on an international platform, in the fields of security and transport.

Blockchain - Blockchain enables transactions between devices where devices can be authenticated and identified through encrypted keys and proof of work concepts with each transaction block validated by peer nodes on a decentralised shared and transparent database. Every block of transaction is linked to the previous block in the chain via encryption, past blocks cannot be amended, provenance can be traced and infected nodes quickly identified and removed from the network. In contrast, current network architecture involves central servers, vulnerable to attacks such as Denial of Service or Distributed Denial of Service which can bring down servers by flooding them with traffic from infected devices, catastrophic in an ecosystem potentially involving millions of citizens. Blockchain potentially offers solutions to the aforementioned challenges intrinsic in the growth of IoT. Blockchain potentially also offers solutions to similar challenges in the establishment of IoT of healthcare and multiple other applications from management of supply chains to trading platforms with transactions via cryptocurrencies and smart contracts.

With a team of software engineers and developers in India, Bricpoint focus is on blockchain coding for industrial, healthcare and trading applications. Our team has deep experience in software engineering and blockchain coding. We are open to working with partners for co-developing proprietary coding for commercial applications.